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🎵Remind me to forget🎵


This isn't like my regular posts. I decided to steer off a bit and I think this is good for a change. Depending on you, I may steer off a little more often😊 Let me get to the point.

I don't know how many of you know the song "Remind me to Forget" by Kygo, featuring Miguel👀 As many of you who do, I wonder if you like it as much I do. I don't necessarily like it because of the lyrics or the beat, I mean, they're nice but I like the song mainly because of the sensation I get from it✨

It makes me feel like I'm in a movie... a young teenage girl who has lived life like a roller coaster🎢. Obviously, her life isn't all rainbows🌈 and roses🌹...It has its ups📈 and downs📉...she has listened to people, made some wrong decisions, made some right ones and every single decision she has made in her life has landed her wherever she is now...

Now I want to you listen to this song...WITH HEADPHONES🎧... forget about the lyrics, the beat, everyone around you...turn the lights off...close your eyes...and think about your life...think about the people who you've met and had dealings with all the years you’ve spent on earth…think about the decisions you’ve made and where they’ve put you…now is the time to relive all the memories you keep replaying in your head from time to time... all the memories and moments of your life that you would love to watch on a big screen…now is the time to recall them…to remember people, places, events, anything. Now as the song ends, how do you feel…I can bet that some people would cry😿…some would definitely feel nostalgic💆🏽‍♀️…different people would have different emotions…of course, this would trigger a variety of feelings in several people…not everyone is the same and we don’t share the same memories but whoever you are, I hope it made you feel good… This really isn’t necessary but I just felt like it would be lovely to share something that's special to me…

Let me know how you felt…

There are so many other songs like this too…Maybe you have one that gives you this kind of sensation or something similar…possibly something even better.

You could share that too😊

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